Friday, February 24, 2012

Take a diurectics (furosemide [lasix], bumetanid

Bone is constantly destroyed and rebuilt in the cycle, which takes from two to three months. From childhood in the 30's, human bones absorb calcium and become strong and dense. With age, however, the body begins to absorb calcium from the bones, leading to loss of 0. 3 and 0. 5% more than the bones recovered. P

This inequality is reduced bone mass. The bones become fragile and prone to fractures even from everyday activities. These fractures often occur in the spine, hip or arm. Around eight million women and two million people in the U.S. have osteoporosis. As many as 18 million Americans may have low bone density. Osteoporosis is a condition which has virtually no symptoms to severe bone damage has already occurred. Once the bones have been weakened by the loss of bone mass density, symptoms may include:

vertebral fractures in, wrists, hips and other bones

Without treatment, people with osteoporosis may have cracks, often in the spine or hip ( supporting body weight) or the wrist of fixing to fall. Fractures of the spine can occur even without a fall or injury. The bones of the spine is so weak that they begin to shrink. These types of fractures can cause severe pain and require a long recovery period. They also lead to loss of height and stoop. Hip fractures, the second most common type of fractures due to osteoporosis, usually in a fall. While most people compared to the modern surgical treatment of fractures of the hip can lead to disability and even death from postoperative complications. Strength of bones depends on their size and density. Bone strength ultimately depends on how much calcium, phosphorus and other minerals they contain. Loss of bone density may occur for several reasons, including:

drop in estrogen levels associated with menopause. Women who reached menopause lose bone at a rate of one to three percent per year. While this slows down about 60 years, it does not stop completely. Older women may have lost one third to half of their bone mass, while men can lose 20 to 35%. A sedentary lifestyle. Make a regular basis can help ensure that your bones remain strong throughout life. There is a woman. Twice as many women bone fractures from osteoporosis than men. This is because women are less and less bone loss at the outset and that they tend to live longer. Menopause also causes bone loss in acceleration. Take a diurectics (furosemide [Lasix], bumetanid [Bumex], etakrynova acid [Edecrin] and torsemide [Demadex]), which cause your body to withdraw the liquid. This can lead to calcium loss. Take a corticosteroid medication such as prednisone, cortisone, prednisolone and dexamethasone on long term basis. These drugs are widely used to treat asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. If you need to take medications steroids for long periods, your doctor can monitor bone density and recommend other drugs to prevent bone loss. Take blood thinners heparin drug, methotrexate, some anticonvulsants and aluminum containing antacids

Is the Caucasian or South-East Asia. African Americans have the lowest risk of developing osteoporosis, Hispanics and Native Americans seem to be intermediate risk. In the short-term effects of estrogen. The risk is higher in women who began menstruating at a later than average age, and which was earlier than average menopause. The risk is also higher in women who had their ovaries removed surgically at the age of 45 without receiving hormone replacement therapy (HRT). There were certain medical conditions or procedures that reduce calcium absorption. These include stomach surgery, Crohn's disease, anorexia or Cushing's disease (a rare disease in which the adrenal glands produce too much corticosteroids). Drink too much alcohol on a regular basis, which gives your body's ability to absorb calcium. For men, alcoholism is one of the highest risk factor for osteoporosis. Suppressed. Recent studies show that women who experience depression increased rate of bone loss. Osteoporosis can be quickly and painlessly diagnosed with bone density test. There are two types of bone density tests:

five ultrasound, which is simpler and easier to use, but only fairly accurate for the purpose of screening

In insulin-dependent diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease or family history of osteoporosis >> << There are postmenopausal, older than 50 years and have at least one risk factor of osteoporosis >> << are in postmenopausal women, aged 65 years and never had a bone density test doctors

are generally not recommended osteoporosis screening men because the disease is much rarer in men than in women. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the best way to prevent osteoporosis in women. HRT has side effects, including increased risk of blood clots and gall bladder and heart disease. Taking HRT, a combination therapy - estrogen with medroxyprogesterone acetate (eg, Prempro) - for several years or more can increase the risk of breast cancer. All schemes of combination HRT may cause irregular vaginal bleeding, especially during the first year of use. More studies are needed to determine if estrogen-only therapy increases the risk of breast cancer. Long-term benefits of HRT, so under the scrutiny. If HRT is not for you, other prescription drugs can slow bone loss and may even increase bone density over time. They include: Bisphosphonates.

This may reduce bone destruction, preserve bone mass and even increase bone density in the spine and hip. The most famous of these drugs are alendronate (fosamaks). Studies show that can lasix without prescription reduce the risk of fractures of the hip and spine fractures in half. Etidronat (Didronel) is also sometimes given to prevent bone loss. Raloksifen. This simulates the effect of estrogen on good bone density, without some increased risk of cancer. The flow is a side effect. You should not use this medication if you have a history of blood clots. Calcitonin. Prepared by the thyroid gland, calcitonin may slow bone loss and prevent fractures of the spine but not hip fractures. It is given as a nasal spray, and about 12% of those who use it develop nasal irritation. Usually given to those with high risk of fractures, but can not take estrogen or bisphosphonates. Tamoxifen, a synthetic hormone used to treat breast cancer. Although it blocks the action of estrogen on breast tissue, it has estrogen like effect on other cells, including bone cells. This can have serious side effects. Statins. Usually this class of drugs used to lower cholesterol, but some studies have shown that women who take statins, at least one year may also reduce the risk of fractures. As research continues, the drugs are not regularly introduced for the treatment of osteoporosis. Side effects include potential reversible liver damage and, rarely, inflammation of muscles. Get enough calcium and vitamin D. women before menopause and in postmenopausal women on HRT should have not less than 1200 milligrams (mg) of calcium and 400 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily. In postmenopausal women not on HRT and risk-taking to get osteoporosis receiving steroids should receive 1500 mg calcium and 800 IU vitamin D per day. Men under 65 should consume 1000 mg of calcium daily, and men over 65 years, 1500 mg. Good sources of calcium are milk, nonfat yogurt, Swiss, cheddar and ricotta cheese, broccoli, canned salmon with bones, tofu and orange juice. If you can not get this much calcium from your diet, consider calcium. Exercise that helps the formation of strong bones and slow bone loss. This is useful no matter where you start, but has a big advantage when you start young and do so throughout their lives. Lifting exercises lets you build your muscles and bones on the hands and upper spine. Weight bearing activity (walking, jogging, running, climbing, skipping rope, skiing and impact of sports) helps bones in the legs, hips and lower spine. Do not smoke. Smoking rate of bone loss, possibly by reducing the number of estrogen in a woman's body makes and by reducing the calcium is absorbed in the intestine. Consider HRT. HRT is the best way to reduce a woman's risk of osteoporosis during and after menopause. Do not drink too much alcohol. With more than two alcoholic drinks a day can reduce the formation of bone tissue and the body's ability to absorb calcium. There is no clear link between limited alcohol consumption and osteoporosis. Limit caffeine. If you already have osteoporosis, you may also consider:

maintain the correct posture. Keep your head held high, chin, shoulders, upper back flat and your lower back arched to avoid stress on the spine. When you sit or drive, put a folded towel in the back. Do not lean over while reading or doing handwork. When lifting, bend at the knees, not your waist. Lift with legs, keeping the upper back straight. Prevention of falls. Wear shoes with low heels slip soles, and check your house for electrical cords, rugs and slippery surfaces that can lead to trip or fall. Management of pain. Discuss pain with the doctor. Do not ignore chronic pain. If untreated, it can limit mobility and cause even more pain. Mark S. Taper Foundation Imaging Center.

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